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Early Childhood - Child Find Screenings


School Kids  Click image for Screening Brochure! 

Child Find Public Notice - July 17. 2023

KSDE Fact Sheet – Child Find  





The Learning Cooperative of North Central Kansas will be conducting child find screenings for children ages 3-5 within the cooperative catchment area throughout the year to screen for potential delays in the areas of cognition, communication, fine/gross motor, and social skills.  Two options are available for screenings offered by our staff:

Option #1 – Children attending a school district preschool program

The Learning Cooperative of North Central Kansas will be conducting global screenings for all students attending a school district preschool in the following school districts on the following dates:

  • USD 108 Washington County - October 09,2024
  • USD 109 Republic County - October 3, 2024
  • USD 224 Clifton-Clyde - October 10, 2024
  • USD 333 Concordia - September 23 & 24, 2024
  • USD 426 Pike Valley - October 2, 2024

These screenings will be conducted during the preschool day and if the child is currenlty enrolled in the district preschool no appointment will be necessary.

**Screenings on days that school has been cancelled due to weather or not being in session for any reason, will be rescheduled**


Option #2 – Children not attending a school district preschool program

If your child is experiencing difficulty in the developmental areas of hearing and vision, communication, gross and or fine motor, self-help, social-emotional, or cognitive skills, you may request a screening appointment at anytime by calling the LCNCK office at (785) 243-3294 or by scanning the QR Code below.

3 to 5


** If your child is birth to age 3 and you would like your child screened please contact OCCK at (785) 243-1977 or scan the QR Code below.*

Birth to 3

The district is an equal opportunity employer and shall not discriminate in its employment practices and policies with respect to hiring, compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, age, disability or national origin. Inquiries regarding compliance may be directed to Superintendent, 217 W 7th St, Concordia, KS 66901-2803, (785) 243-3518 or to: (913) 551-5655(785) 296-3206 or (816) 268-0550.